Version: 10.0 Featuring: Souma Kyou From: Fruits Basket By: Takaya Natsuki Why: Give Kyou some love! Furuba pwns me. Why:'Disorderly Coconuts' Misc: I've discovered the fun of embedding subliminal messages the text. Can you find them?
Books: The Last April Dancers; Harry Potter series; His Dark Materials series; Dune series; Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series Authors: Ursula K. LeGuin; Jean Thesman Manga: Fruits Basket; Clover; Card Captor Sakura; Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne; Yami no Matsuei; Tokyo Babylon/X; Naruto Anime: Fruits Basket; Princess Tutu; GetBackers; Trigun; Card Captor Sakura; Yami no Matsuei; Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou; Naruto Mangaka: Tachibana Kaimu; CLAMP; Kouga Yun; Tanemura Arina; Yoshizumi Wataru Mangazine: Ribon & occasionally Hana to Yume Video Games: Lunar: SSS; FF IV + VI; Rhapsody; Zeldas Board Games: Settlers of Catan Fic Authors: See below
All things Furuba All things Full Metal Alchemist Harry Potter Slash Shounen ai/Yaoi/BL Ban x Ginji Ribon Mangazine
Would Sell Soul For
A Gourry as Jellyfish plushie Those Furuba figurines!
Any Furuba figurines!
Full Metal Alchemist figurines
An FMA National Alchemist pocket thing
Plushies of Tare!Ginji and Chibi!Ban-chan
Any clue as to what the Flip is going on in Full Moon
Tachibana Kaimu doujinshi
Toshimi Arina doujinshi
Artbooks, especially of the CLAMP persuasion
A pile
Emeraldus: I think it's the futility of it that makes it poignant. Usa-p: I don't think poignant is the right word. I think 'thrown in a washing machine, dragged out, and beaten against a pole' is the right word.
That's all I have to say about that. Well, except that I don't think I can take another 27 episodes of this.
Real life continues to devour me. Yesterday was the absolute worst day I've had in a long, long time. (Of course, now it occurs to me to wonder if it was worse than the family problems on New Year's weekend. Blah, I don't have the energy to even think about it.)
Slowly but surely I've been rewatching Princess Tutu with a friend of mine, and I must say, not only does it pass the WMV test with flying colors, (WMV = Withstands Multiple Viewings), it is even that much better the second time around.
I had summaries written for the last 3 chapters of AiBaby for Ayuni but the post got eaten. I will try to write them again soon. Satsuki took care of Yuzu for a day or two while Kippei was away. Aww, lookit them bond!
I'll probably be AWOL again for the next several days, but I've got a week of free time coming up soon which I hope to spend lounging about catching up on long lost sleep and long lost squeeing.
Yes, I'm one of those "hey, look at my stitches/scar!" types.
And because I'm just in a picture-showing mood, here are some shots of more of my stuffed aminals: 1 shot of my moose farm consisting of about 14 moose all named Moosie (except for Bear Dressed As Moose), 3shots of Bear, and 1 pic of Shadow the panther.
Ok, so, as those of you who read my blog regularly might have noticed, it's a favorite phrase of mine to say that something's enough to give me an aneurysm or make me pop a blood vessel.
I'm not dead, but I'm getting there. I'm sick again on top of everything else. I've been getting almost no sleep and it certainly shows seeing as I can barely function at all. I am a basket case who walks down the hallway trying to get somewhere over and over again because I kept forgetting that I've done it already and what was the purpose in the first place and I DARE you to try to figure out the verb tense or even the meaning of this sentence HA I LAUGH IN THE FACE OF COHERENCE. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. I am blithering.
Anyway, this post was not about my impending collapse, this post is about how instead of sleeping right now, as I should, because I never get to, and I still won't get to... uh... where was I? Instead of that I watched Full Metal Alchemist episode 22 which has been sitting around on the hard drive since whenever it was that it came out. I would have many words for that incredibly awesome episode except that the part of my brain that's in charge of vocabularly and structured thoughts was the first to burn out. You'll have to make due with "haha Roy! wah angst! no! cry! ooh this seems important but I can't think so I don't know how and even if I did I wouldn't remember anyway because that part of the brain's shot too! ooh! no! ah! ah hah! hmm! The girls in FMA roxx0rs, well, except for Winry because she hasn't proved herself yet, and she's got that wrench fetish, OTP!"
And Merrow's going to kill me because I don't know if I can get chapter 3 of Tsubasa wo Motsu Mono done in time for my deadline. AAAH THERE IS NO TIME FOR SLEEP!
This post has been brought to you by too little sleep, too much anti-histamine, and the letter Zzzzzzz.....
Real life is eating me. No time to eat and sleep, let alone post. Will be effectively dead probably until Sunday, but then I wouldn't be surprised if I went to bed on Saturday night and woke up on Monday.